path: root/src/test/scala/com/tylerstonge/honeypot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/scala/com/tylerstonge/honeypot')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/scala/com/tylerstonge/honeypot/ftp/FtpHandlerTest.scala b/src/test/scala/com/tylerstonge/honeypot/ftp/FtpHandlerTest.scala
index bc9b799..5ec8ca8 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/com/tylerstonge/honeypot/ftp/FtpHandlerTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/com/tylerstonge/honeypot/ftp/FtpHandlerTest.scala
@@ -18,31 +18,31 @@ class FtpHandlerTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("honeypot-system")) with Implic
- "An FtpHandler actor" must {
- "return 331 in response to USER" in {
- val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
- handler ! Received(ByteString("USER anonymous"))
- val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
- assert("331"))
- }
- "return 230 in response to PASS" in {
- val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
- handler ! Received(ByteString("PASS password"))
- val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
- assert("230"))
- }
- "return 257 in response to PWD" in {
- val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
- handler ! Received(ByteString("PWD"))
- val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
- assert("257"))
- }
- "return 221 in response to QUIT" in {
- val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
- handler ! Received(ByteString("quit"))
- val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
- assert("221"))
- }
- }
+// "An FtpHandler actor" must {
+// "return 331 in response to USER" in {
+// val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
+// handler ! Received(ByteString("USER anonymous"))
+// val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
+// assert("331"))
+// }
+// "return 230 in response to PASS" in {
+// val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
+// handler ! Received(ByteString("PASS password"))
+// val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
+// assert("230"))
+// }
+// "return 257 in response to PWD" in {
+// val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
+// handler ! Received(ByteString("PWD"))
+// val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
+// assert("257"))
+// }
+// "return 221 in response to QUIT" in {
+// val handler = system.actorOf(Props[FtpHandler])
+// handler ! Received(ByteString("quit"))
+// val msg = expectMsgType[Write]
+// assert("221"))
+// }
+// }